Tips and Guides

What Helps Whiplash After a Car Accident?

By CarsFellow

January 26, 2021

Whiplash is a common type of injury sustained during car accidents. Although you might not experience pain right after the accident, it might start showing in a couple of days. Regardless of how mild symptoms might be, you should contact a medic for a checkup. They will also help create a personalized treatment plan for you.

In the following, we will take a closer look at whiplash and discuss some effective ways to treat it.

What is Whiplash?

A forceful and rapid movement of the neck caused can often lead to whiplash. The action on the neck is similar to the lash of a whip, which is where the condition derives its name.

Signs and Symptoms

You might not immediately feel discomfort in your neck area immediately following impact. It can take up to a couple of days for symptoms of whiplash to show. These are some of the most common signs:

Causes for Whiplash

A common cause for whiplash is rear-end car accidents. If you fall into this category, follow these steps after a car accident to secure your well being. But several other circumstances might lead to the condition as well:

Treatment Options


A simple and effective way to help the healing process for whiplash is through physical exercise. But only commit to this path if instructed by a medical practitioner, otherwise, it might do more damage than good.

Before you start your exercises, take a hot shower or apply heat to the painful area, this will help relax the muscles. Limit your exercises to simple movements like:

Light stretching exercises can be highly beneficial. Always remember to take it easy. Listen to your body and do not push your limits.

Cervical Collars

Also known as C collars, these medical instruments are fixed on the neck area and offer additional support for the head and spinal cord. Additionally, they restrict neck movement, which allows the injured area to rest and heal. However, cervical collars are meant for short periods of use.

There are many types of such collars on the market, each of them designed for a specific type of injury. Research has drawn attention to the fact that soft foam collars might not provide the support and restriction needed for patients diagnosed with whiplash. Instead, hard collars made from plastic or plexiglass are more restrictive for neck movement. Additionally, they also offer better support. Some models also come with a special nook where to rest the chin.

To make sure that you get the perfect model for your particular needs, contact a doctor and follow their recommendation.

How to Alleviate Pain

There are several strategies you can use to help ease the pain. One way to help ease tension and soreness in the neck area is to apply cold or warm compresses. Applying a cold compress will help take the pain away, while warmth will help the muscles relax. You can do this for about 15 minutes several times a day.

In the first couple of days after the accident make sure to rest plenty. Try to focus on healing and nothing else. But no matter how tempting it might be, do not exaggerate with relaxing. Too much rest might impede your physical recovery.

In more severe cases, your doctor may also prescribe medication to help with the pain. They can also recommend the use of injection; a numbing medicine, like Iidoacaine, is injected into the painful area.

In more severe cases, your doctor may also prescribe medication to help with the pain. They can also recommend the use of injection; a numbing medicine, like Iidoacaine, is injected into the painful area.

Ask for Help

If you have been in a car accident, it is always best to contact a medical expert for a checkup. Just because you feel no pain, does not necessarily mean that there is no injury. Also, reach out to a lawyer to help you navigate through the legal proceedings related to the car crash. Thrust specialists to look after you and take a load off your responsibilities.