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Tips and Guides

Top 6 Famously Dangerous Driving Roads

By CarsFellow

September 29, 2023

Whether you like driving classic cars or want to experience the ride in the world’s fastest vehicles, one thing that makes driving memorable is “road.”

Although many roads provide breathtaking views and exhilarating driving experiences, some are notorious for their hazardous terrain, steep slopes, and difficult twists and turns. Therefore, it is crucial that you do some digging about potentially dangerous roads across the world to avoid the risk.

Don’t worry if you have yet to learn how to go about it; here, we have outlined six of the most notoriously risky roads in the world, highlighting their dangers.

Top 6 Famously Dangerous Driving Roads 

North Yungas Road, Bolivia

Bolivia’s North Yungas Road, also known as the “Death Road,” is regarded as one of the world’s most hazardous roads. It is a difficult journey due to its tiny width, absence of guardrails, and cliffs. The road has a reputation as one of the world’s most dangerous since it is believed to claim 200 to 300 lives annually.

Rim Of The World Scenic Byway

This beautiful and scenic road offers stunning views of the San Bernardino National Forest and Inland Empire. It’s one of the many popular roads that car enthusiasts and motorcyclists flock to in the mountains that surround LA. The roads here are particularly narrow and windy with large fluctuations in altitude. There are limited guardrails in some sections leaving little room for error while straddling the cliffside. It’s no surprise this road is dangerous, San Bernardino ranks 6th in the US for pedestrian fatalities. 

Guoliang Tunnel Road, China

The Guoliang Tunnel Road in China is a mountain tunnel that provides spectacular vistas and presents tough obstacles. The tight corners, confined spaces, and erratic weather make it an adrenaline-inducing drive. Guoliang Tunnel Road’s reputation for hazards typically stems from its short width and difficult terrain.

James Dalton Highway, Alaska, USA

The James Dalton Highway, which extends over 400 miles through the secluded Alaskan tundra, presents various risks. It is difficult because of the severe weather, icy terrain, and few services along the way.

In fact, numerous incidents have occurred on the James Dalton Highway, with rollovers, collisions with wildlife, and unfavorable weather conditions being the main reasons. 

Transfăgărășan, Romania

Transfăgărăşan in Romania, which winds across the Carpathian Mountains, is infamous for its hairpin turns, steep inclines, and erratic weather. It offers stunning landscapes but demands careful navigation. Although there are few precise accident figures for the Transfăgărăşan road, the treacherous terrain and adverse weather have caused many accidents throughout the years.

Skippers Canyon Road, New Zealand

Skippers Canyon Road, close to Queenstown in New Zealand, is a constrained and twisting path carved from imposing cliffs. Its tight corners, lack of barriers, and challenging driving conditions require utmost caution.

Due to Skippers Canyon Road’s remote location and sparse traffic, it is challenging to find help if you meet a road accident. Fortunately, very few people dare to drive on this road, as most residents and adventurers know the road’s reputation for risk.

Summing Up

These six hazardous highways are not recommended for weak-hearted drivers. They provide both stunning views and nerve-wracking obstacles that call for outstanding driving abilities, prudence, and awareness of the particular risks of the route. 

Although the statistics for each route differ, they all have the potential for accidents and the requirement that drivers approach them with the utmost caution. To reduce hazards and guarantee a safe drive when traveling on these hazardous routes, it is crucial to put safety first, abide by local laws, and drive responsibly.