Tips and Guides

7 Tips To Clean Your Car Windows Without Streaks

By CarsFellow

November 06, 2020

It’s true that you would be looking for professionals to clean your car, but it can be quite expensive! A little DIY and some elbow grease won’t hurt. In fact, it’s a good idea if you learn how to clean your car windows without streaks.

You might have noticed the car streaks and wonder, “what to do now!” If that’s the case then you’ve hit a jackpot. You are in the right place.

1. Stay Away From The Sun

Yes, you heard that right! If you really want to avoid the white streaks on the window of your car then dry it somewhere in the shade after you are done cleaning!

It’s actually the cleaning agent that quickly dries up in the sun. So, when you are trying to dry up in the shade then there is a good chance of avoiding such white streaks.

2. Focus On Cleaning The Wiper Blades

You might have not thought about it before, but your wiper blades might carry some dirt. No matter how clean your windshield is, if you are using the dirty wiper blades then it would affect your car’s appearance and you can notice some streaks on the windscreen.

However, if there has been a collision and your windshield needs repairing, you can consider contacting Columbus auto body shop.

3. Invest In Suitable Car Cleaning Products

It’s important that you are investing in the right car cleaning products. When you are using the products that are designed specifically for cleaning the windows, you can expect better results.

However, before making a final purchase decision for such products make sure you are reading the relevant reviews.

4. Use A Suitable Microfiber Towel

You can’t just use any towel or cloth lying around the house to clean the windows. Just like the car cleaning products, it’s important that you invest in a suitable microfiber towel.

It should not leave any residue behind and it should not be of low-quality. Invest in a suitable one so that you don’t have to buy again and again!

5. Clean Windows From The Inside

It’s possible that you might be focusing on the outside part of your vehicle windows! But you should keep it clean from the inside as well.

Imagine kids eating fries or the puppy trying to say bye-bye by rubbing its paws on the window! You get the idea, right?

Many people don’t clean the windows from inside and thus, you can’t expect the windows to be streak-free. To get clean and shiny windows, clean them from the inside as well.

6. Be Extra Careful When Cleaning Tinted Windows

When cleaning the tinted windows, you have to be extra careful as you don’t want to scratch these. Avoid ammonia-based products for cleaning such tinted windows. Use the towels that are designed especially for such purpose.

If possible, you can consider a DIY method. You can use a suitable towel and soapy water. Clean the tinted windows gently with soapy water and then use a slightly wet towel. You can wet the towel from one end if it’s long enough or arrange two towels with one being slightly wet while the other dry.

Clean your tinted windows with soapy water on it, wet towel, and then finally dry it using a dry towel. It would be good to go! Your car window would be streak-free!

7. Clean Windows At The Last

Yes, you might find this last tip quite useful. When you are washing and cleaning your car, save the windows for the last. You heard that right! Try doing that and you would notice a difference. You have to clean the windows with proper care and attention.

When the windows are clean and streak-free, it actually shows that you are putting in your time and dedication to cleaning your vehicle. Plus, you don’t want your windows to get dirty when you are cleaning the other parts of your car.


It’s a good idea to clean the windows of your vehicle by focusing on getting the right products! Doing so can help you in getting the streak-free windows and that’s what you have been aiming for! When you are dealing with tinted windows, use products that are ammonia-free. You can do this! Good Luck!!