Tips and Guides

5 Things to Consider to Find the Best Car Detailer Near You

By CarsFellow

September 04, 2019

When you’re looking for the best care for your car, you’re going to want to look into the best car detailers in your area. For example, when looking for a car detailer, you can do search similar to “car detailing in Lehi Utah” to find the most relevant company near you.

When it comes to detailers, the choices are often varied, and at first glance, can all seem the same. But a person who truly cares about their car will want to know which one is best for them — rather than settling.

Whether your goal is restore that new car smell, get that stubborn dirt off of the bumper or treat your car to a thorough cleaning inside and out, you’ll want to make sure you find the detailer that’s best for you, your needs and your budget.Here are just a few things you may want to consider when it’s time to find the best car detailer near you.


How far away is the detailer of choice? The detailer may be in your town or city, but is it on your side of it? Do you have to drive 30 or 40 minutes to get there? If so, you may not want to. Are you leaving your car overnight — or for a few hours to be taken care of? Who is going to drive you back over to pick the car up, or bring you home after you drop it off?

Preferably you want a car detailer that’s within walking distance or near good public transport so it’s of as little inconvenience as possible to you, with an easily accessible location.


Prices can be high, but they have to be worth it. If someone is charging you $500 for a paint correction job, that’s likely a fair price. But consider their experience, how long they’re going to spend getting everything just right and the equipment they use. Is the cost still warranted? If it’s an experienced detailer with the best of everything and you think that $500 is too much, then that’s on you.

You need to remember that these things take time and that time equals money. But if someone is charging you over $500 to buff out a scratch and then give your paint job a touch up using the cheapest paint on the market, then you know you’re probably being overcharged.

If you can’t afford the prices at the detailer you’re looking at, maybe it’s time to consider somewhere else. Compare prices, services and packages. Often one detailer will offer you an array of things priced individually, but another will offer that and more in a package that costs less than the individual services at the other detailer. Bottom line: Shop around for the best deal.

Time Commitment

If one place says they can do the job in an hour and another quotes five hours,  then either the first place has enormous, speedy teams working on one vehicle all at once — or they’re just not doing as good a job as the five-hour place. You’re not just paying for service, you’re paying for quality. How long is your detailer willing to put into giving you the quality you’re paying for?


Your car is an investment and a tool that you use almost every day — if not every single day. To keep your car in good aesthetic shape, cleaning it is necessary.But not just any detailer will do. You want a detailer you can trust to treat this car just like you do when you clean your car at home. You don’t want to go in with a blemish- free car for a thorough cleaning and come out with scratches, rips or even worse.


A service may look wonderful from the outside, from the commercials or on their website. A friendly faced employee may even be convincing. But the only way to truly know how good the service is by reviews. Reviews can be crucial when it comes to the detailer you choose. You don’t want to pick one that is immaculate in concept but inadequate in delivery.

Check online or ask around your social circle, and see what others have to say about the detailer.Sometimes you may hear a glowing review of a detailer by one person, but an abysmal one from someone else. Consider if that one-star review is warranted or a one-off by a picky customer. If negative reviews are few and far between, chances are that the customer is being picky or unfair.